Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What to do if you Suspect ID Theft

Banks are national leaders in preserving the security of customer data, with the industry as a whole dedicating hundreds of millions of dollars annually to data security.  Even with all this being done, retailers are still susceptible to cyber-attacks, and it’s in your best interest to keep an eye on your account information regularly. 
If you suspect that your identity has been stolen, there are some basic steps you should take:

  • Call your bank and credit card issuers immediately so they can start working on closing your accounts and clearing your name.
  • File a police report and call the fraud unit of three credit-reporting companies.   The fraud unit numbers are:
  • TransUnion - 800.680.7289
  • Experian - 888.397.3742
  • Equifax - 800.525.6285
  • Consider placing a victim statement in your credit report.
  • Make sure to maintain a log of all the contacts you make with authorities regarding the matter. Write down names, titles, and phone numbers in case you need to re-contact them or refer to them in future correspondence.
  • For more advice, contact the FTC’s ID Theft Consumer Response Center at 1-877-ID THEFT (1-877-438-4338) or
By acting quickly on a suspicion of fraud, you’ll have a better chance of avoiding a potential loss in your account, and ensuring your credit report is not negatively impacted.

Member FDIC.